Directors’ Liability

You cannot do business without risk; this is no different for running a company. Directors commit themselves vis-à-vis the company or association that appointed them to carry out their management duties in the interests of their principal. They also have a responsibility to third parties, such as suppliers, customers, and the tax and social security authorities. The courts are very strict for directors, even if they are not remunerated for their duties or do not carry out those duties in a professional capacity. Ignorance is no excuse; in fact it is an aggravating circumstance.
Crivits & Persyn can tell you all about the risks. From our practical experience as bankruptcy trustees and liquidators we know what to look out for when we assess directors. Our practical experience as insurance experts tells us to what extent directors can have their liability covered. Thanks to our knowledge of labour law and industrial safety, we know what the risks are for directors who employ staff. Our experience enables us to train your managers, advise your directors, help them limit their risks, and represent them when they are challenged.